Thursday, September 11, 2008

Does this Girl know how to Dress or what?

When Lauren plays dress up, she goes all out. She puts on every piece of dress up clothing that is available and goes at.........

To Plainview and Back (via Ft. Worth)

We have been away for awhile so there is lots to write about! Labor Day weekend the three of us went to Plainview to visit with Doug's Grandma.......Ganan or Great Ganan to Lauren. We set out on Friday, stayed the night at the Ranch, went the rest of the way to Plainview on Sat. morning. Upon arriving to Plainview in true Ganan style she had huge lunch prepared for us. Then it was on to the Llano Estacado Museum, which by the way is a must see in Plainview. (And takes only about 15 minutes to view in entirety.)

(The Tee pee at the museum)

Next we went to see relatives Pat and Ron. Pat was a huge hit with Lauren. She had toys for her to play with and gave her a bag of candy! We then went back to Ganan's house were Lauren discovered various gifts around the house and her favorite......Ganan's piano. Lauren was pretty much obsessed with it......

We finished the night we a dinner out and bed. I won't go into details about the sleep, but with Doug, Lauren and I in the same bed, not a lot of sleep was had by anyone! But we woke up in the morning ready to go. We went to church with Ganan and to lunch at Cotton Patch. (love that place) Lauren was able to catch a little nap then off to visit more people. We went to see Gean and Mike (close family friends). They too had a sweet little gift for Lauren, a little plush elephant. Lauren was amazed at all the elephant's around the house. (Gean is a collector) And guess what? They too had a piano and even better yet a cat! Next on the agenda was dinner and park time. Doug was lucky enough to get to go to his favorite hot spot in Plainview.......Furr's. Yep, I haven't been to one in ages either! We were treated by Ron and Pat who then took us to the park they are lucky enough to have right across the street from them. Here are some pictures.

(Lauren and Doug swinging, the famous Plainview cows and Lauren riding a turtle)

We decided to go ahead and head back to the ranch that night for the sake of sleep and the so Doug would not have to drive over 400 miles in one day. But the drive to the ranch gave us chance to reflect on the visit and how lucky Lauren is to have her Great Ganan and how lucky we are to have our Ganan. Ganan is probably one of the most incredible persons I know. She has the spunk and wit of a teenager. She is full of southern charm and has wonderful stories to tell. She means the world to us and I am so thankful to have her in my life and to have her for a grandmother. Both of mine have been gone for a while now, so I really do cherish having her and having Lauren know her. Everyone who has Ganan in their lives is better because of it and I think they know it. She's that kind of person!

(Ganan, Lauren & Doug, Three Generations)

We got back to the ranch late, late! The next day Doug headed back to San Antonio and Lauren I went with my parents to Ft. Worth. We had tons of fun there including 3 trips to the Ranger's game, swimming, visiting with friends and family, a haircut for me, a sleepover with cousin Morgan and a trip to the park! Here is a slew of pictures!

(Mom Mom and Lauren, Lauren and me)

(PaPa and Lauren, Lauren swimming)

(Cousin Morgan and Lauren, Lauren being pushed by Mom Mom at Kidsville)
Finally on Sunday my parents brought us back home. Lauren was so happy to see her Daddy and Abby! (So was I) We had a great trip, thanks to all that helped us along the way. You made the trip what it was........AWESOME!